Night and a Switchblade Movie Review

Night and a SwitchbladeNight and a Switchblade Movie Review

Night and a Switchblade Movie Synopsis:

Year: 2013
Duration: 2 h 3 min
Genre: Crime, Mystery
Director: Ben Finer
Writer: Ben Finer
Cast: Alexandra Miniard, Jonathan Meola, Lloyd Eddings, Aleksander Garin

Night and a Switchblade is a bizaro-noir, teen rebel movie about deviant youth and the lurid mysteries haunting a nocturnal American landscape. Sandie Po is having a bad night and his evening has just started. He is new to town; a gang of masked weirdos wants to beat him bloody; and the only social activity for miles around is a Pleasure Island theme sock hop at the local dance hall. As Sandie careens through the perils of this peculiar small town, his night becomes increasingly bizarre as if the fabric of reality itself were fraying at every edge.

Night and a Switchblade Movie Review is a post from: Moviemand

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